The articles below were written by Dr. Larry Ashlock for the Center's monthly newsletter. Each article addresses a current moral issue, identifies the underlying problems, and offers a way forward for Christians. (To sign up to receive the monthly newsletter in your email inbox, click here.)
Who Truly is My Neighbor?: Placing the Spotlight on Human Trafficking
January 24th, 2025
"Who is my neighbor?" will bring to the minds of most Christians the "Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10. The question is morally load-bearing because Jesus exposes the depth of depravity in the heart of a man who outwardly was recognized as being a law-keeper. Hopefully, my pen will cause you to imagine the change in tone when I ask the question in light of a global moral issue, human traff...
Building Peace Rather than Falling to Pieces
November 23rd, 2024
[Photo credit: "A Public Witness" -- Word & Way] This article was originally published in the Center's E-News on Oct. 31, 2024 I arrived prior to sun-up on Tuesday of this week at a designated early-voting site in my city. My hope, as I walked across the pitch-dark parking lot toward a light at the front door, was that all voters would be enlightened to the responsibilities of citizenship. Perhaps...
Political Action in Our Father’s World
October 1st, 2024
Politics has moved to the epicenter of our lives in ways that seemed unthinkable a generation ago. Rancorous quakes between political parties and candidates have created a deep divide in the highest branches of our government and their aftershocks are felt down to the grassroots level. Polite discourse and disagreement about issues, once grounded in deep respect for the value and dignity of anothe...
Sacred Truth and Societal Lying
September 6th, 2024
The 74-year-old prestigious American Mathematics Competition (AMC) represents a premier math event that America’s colleges and finance-industry recruiters use to locate top-tier teenage “whiz kids” for future university enrollment and business employment. Students begin to prepare for this competition when they are in elementary school and spend long hours working with coaches, participating in ma...
Offering A Heart's Embrace: Putting an End to the Spirit of Colonialism
July 5th, 2024
"But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostilityâ€-Ephesians 2:13-14, ESV The opening scene of the 1951 movie, “The African Queen,†which starred Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn, shows two British missionaries leading a chur...
Calm in the Eye of the Storm
May 30th, 2024
[Credit: Abraham Hunter] “Each of us as human beings has a responsibility to reach out to our brothers and sisters affected by disasters. One day it may be us or our loved ones needing someone to reach out and help” (Michael W. Hawkins, American Red Cross). “One day” happened last week in my hometown of Houston, Texas, when my relatives were affected by a severe storm that hit the city, left 900,0...
Moving Beyond Caring "A Little More"
May 4th, 2024
Medieval scholarly theologians, while contemplating the notion of “being,” speculated how many angels might be able to stand on the head of a needle. Seventeenth century theologians mocked such mental gymnastics. I will admit that the thought of such speculation is a bit humorous to me. Here's something, however, that is no laughing matter.How much fentanyl may be placed on a pin before it becomes...
HOV Lanes, IVF, and Human Personhood
March 22nd, 2024
[Shutterstock images] A woman claimed that her unborn child counted as a person when pulled over for driving alone in a North Texas High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane! She explained, “I just felt that there were two of us in [the car] and I was wrongly getting ticketed.” She argued that under Texas’ new abortion law, a fetus is considered a living being. The woman also claimed “this is a baby” (Tex...
Loving the Lonely Crowd
February 23rd, 2024
[Getty Images] “What’s Love Got to Do with It,” Tina Turner’s 1984 mega-hit rock ‘n’ roll song, could easily serve as a front-page headline for contemporary Christian America. The song saw nothing enduring in love and reduced it to a “secondhand emotion.” Granted, Ms. Turner had lived for years in an abusive relationship, but surely there must be more to love than the logical and physical. I belie...
The Quest for Genuine Community
January 27th, 2024
Friends, the insanely popular television show, will celebrate its 30th anniversary this coming September. Two-hundred-thirty-six episodes aired between 1994 and 2004, and the show amazingly remains a favorite of viewers. Each episode warms us with thirty minutes of escape and entertains us and promises us what we all are created to enjoy—close relationships.The show has endured, in fact, because i...
“War, What is it Good For?”
November 2nd, 2023
[Listen to the podcast of this article] The famous antiwar refrain to the 1970 song entitled, “War,” used as a title above, provides its own answer: “Absolutely nothin’!” Edwin Starr, who recorded that version of the song, continued to sing it through the years because he wanted such conflict to cease.War indeed represents one of the most controversial and complex moral issues of this age, and I w...
Replacing “Smash and Grab” with “Taste and See”
October 18th, 2023
(Click here for the podcast version of this article) “The end of all moral speculations is to teach us our duty; and, by proper representations of the deformity of vice and the beauty of virtue, beget correspondent habits, and engage us to avoid the one, embrace the other,” says David Hume (1711-1776), the Scottish philosopher and historian. (1) His words certainly resonate with many of us who wer...
Broken Cables, Unsecured Doors, and Surprising Safety Troubles at School
September 15th, 2023
Media sources carried the terrifying story earlier this week of an attempt to rescue two adults and six children who were stranded hundreds of feet above ground on a disabled cable car in northwest Pakistan. No effort or expense was spared to bring those adults and children home safely. Now, consider the annual return of your children and grandchildren to school and the extraordinary efforts to en...
Shaping the Christian Family on the Anvil of Everyday Living
July 2nd, 2023
“What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God,” says Martin Luther. The great Reformer knew the special significance of the home and God's word at work in that place. Here is a reason why: the fifth command in the Ten Commandments emphasizes proper motives inside the home.It links honor for one’s father and mother to possession of the land that God prom...
Alexa Does Not Know Me, but God Does!
May 20th, 2023
“I do not recognize Larry Ashlock” was the humorous end result to a brief conversation I recently had with Amazon’s “Alexa,” a virtual assistant artificial intelligence (AI) technology now popular in homes and businesses. My experience indicates only one of many frequent daily interactions we all have with this type of technology.Face ID and image recognition, emails, apps, social media, Google se...